
Monday Oct 15, 2018
LARP, Live Action Role Playing Games with Patrycja Paula Gas, episode 7
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
In this episode we talked to Patrycja Paula Gas, a witch as she confessed to us, but a different kind of witch, the kind that is doing LARP - Live Action Role Playing game - a new aproach into a learning evironment, an immersive experience that will definetly engage the participants minds, bodies and souls.
Patrycja who is a polish anthropologist, uses LARP with young people to tackle a wide array of topics such as discrimination, migrations and leadership skills.
In LARP, the participants live fully this game for days, with costumes, just like a big theatre in nature.
Educational LARPs have an immense power for young people experience other ways of dealing with the world, as for example a shy person might play a bold character and see that they can face their real lives in a more confident way.
Websites mentioned in the podcast.